Huduma za Kitaasisi
To provide expertise and services on administration, human resource management, planning, development, monitoring, evaluation, estates management, finance and accounts to the institution.
The Directorate will perform the following functions:
- To coordinate preparation, review and implementation of the Corporate Strategic Plan, Action Plan and Annual Budget;
- To review management tools such as financial regulations, staff regulations, scheme of service and others, records, information and data as affirmed in the public service policies and regulations;
- To provide strategic inputs and services on administration and human resource management services such as recruitment, human resources development and training, promotion, retention, motivation, performance management and staff welfare;
- To develop, examine and evaluate financial and appropriate accounting systems and procedures including sound financial regulations to ensure system reliability and integrity;
- To ensure proper accounting and control of revenue and expenditures and coordinate preparation of annual financial statements;
- To coordinate training and implementation of in the directorate and departments and units including periodic appraisal of their performance;
- To set performance standards for staff and ensure that there is effective evaluation system which links rewards and promotion to staff performance;
- To provide advice on organizational efficiency and business process improvement, and promote various institution’s development programs and activities.
- To provide technical advice on finance and accounts, information communication technology, estate management and marketing.
- To establish and implement financial and physical resources management system;
- To coordinate the interpretation of the impact of Government policies, review and recommend development proposals for compliance with various developmental goals, strategies and plans and the institutions’ functions and regulations;
- To spearhead the collection, organization and maintenance of social economic, developmental regulatory and statistical data for use in decision making process;
- To coordinate and facilitate general custodian services for estate and properties and maintenance of institution infrastructure, office equipment and grounds;
- To supervise and undertake service delivery surveys to collect stakeholder’s/clients’ views on services rendered in collaboration with the other Directorate and Units; and
- To ensure cross-cutting issues are addressed in the Strategic Plans and Annual work plans.
Usanifu na Huduma za Usaidizi wa Kiufundi
To provide technical expertise, consultancy and services on research, design, technological development and industrial technical support services.
The Directorate will perform the following functions:
- To formulate policies, regulations and procedures on applied research, technology development and transfer, industrial consultancy and training;
- To provide technical advice and assistance to other departments, client ministries, Government bodies, and public and private sector on matters relating to applied research, technology development and transfer;
- To formulate, coordinate and ensure implementation of applied research, technology development and transfer plans;
- To formulate project proposals on applied research and technology development and transfer, and industrial consultancy and training for presentation to funding agencies/organizations; and
- To coordinate industrial technical support, consultancy and training services.